The list archive consists of all of the notebook logs for your list. (If your list is coded "
Notebook= No", then it does not have a list archive, of course.) Users can find out what notebook logs are available for a specific list by sending the command
INDex listname to the appropriate LISTSERV host.
If your list is coded "Notebook= No", you should consult your LISTSERV maintainer before changing the keyword to create list archive notebooks. The LISTSERV maintainer will have to tell you where the notebook should be kept (the second parameter in the "
Notebook=" keyword). Also, depending on local policies, you may or may not be allowed to archive your list, or keep more than a few months' or weeks' worth of archives available at a given time.
To delete an existing archive notebook, simply execute a PUT operation for the notebook in question without sending any other text along with the PUT command line. For instance, send an email with the following text as the only content in the body of the message: